Blog > Ciclo escolar 2015 - 2016 > Reaction NY NHSMUN: Iker Jarquín

Reaction NY NHSMUN: Iker Jarquín


Reaction to the New York National High School Model United Nations 2016

Yes, the world is tough and grotesque, but it is up to us to find a way to change that. 

When you think about this life and world, you probably say anything is worth it.

You think: We have wars, racism, millions of unjustified deaths, and so forth.

But, I discovered that in life there exist four steps in order to find happiness, or rather, to find a path.

First, we have step one: “Revelation.”

You discover you have a problem; you're so stuck on that problem that your mind immediately creates walls, and walls… create fear.

Next we have step two: “Decline.”

That problem gets worse; it's digging in and it's cutting the exposed nerve. Consequences?


Then we have step three: “Rise.”

No one said it was going to be easy. You will find a tiny crack in the wall and must struggle to open it wide enough, but as I said, it's not easy. And that’s the interesting point, how much you will persevere; are you with me now? Ready to go into the places that scare you?

Finally we have step four: “Relief.”

You've found the solution; you've finally discovered what’s outside the wall and cut free from your demons.

NHSMUN is similar: you have a problem, you work to find a solution, and the problem doesn’t exist anymore. Yes, the world is tough and grotesque, but it is up to us to find a way to change that. An amazing artist once said: “We can be heroes for just one day.”

If you are reading this and are thinking, “I don’t know if I should do it,” believe me, it is one of the best experiences of a lifetime. But, don’t go into this project with the attitude of “Well, hope you like this.” Go at it with the “Come here!” attitude.

I am convinced that it is time for the whole world to put their hands up and RISE.

Iker Jarquín Rosas, 6A



25 - abril - 2016 | 03:04 hrs

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